The World is NOT Ending! How to Thrive During an Economic Downturn

In this episode, Adam addresses growing fears around the economic recession and offers helpful strategies for success in both business and personal wellness.
The world is changing at lightning speed. The media seems to only offer discouraging news about the current economic situation. While it is natural for some businesses to suffer during these times, many will actually thrive. Adam discusses strategies for achieving health and happiness in the midst of challenging shifts in the economic cycle. First and foremost, people need to take care of their own wellbeing before they can engage in positive relationships with others. When personal health is top priority, only then can someone create meaningful friendships and strong familial bonds. The ego must take a back seat. When people’s relationships to themselves and others are in order, they can bring positivity and problem-solving skills to their business. 

Fostering a thriving business in the midst of an economic recession means making yourself as valuable as possible to your clients, employees, shareholders, and your community. Personally connecting with a targeted audience on a human level is now more important than ever. And never underestimate the power of hope. So instead of believing the news and assuming the worst about the future, expect good things to come out of tough situations.

Main Topics:
  • In a recession, people tend to hide, suffer, or thrive. Tips for being one who thrives (03:17)
  • Becoming the most valuable version of yourself (05:57)
  • How physical health can literally save your life (10:25)
  • Applying strategies for health and happiness in business (14:30)
  • Big picture overview for direction of the economy and what to do with your cash (18:40)
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