Top 10 Motivational Quotes

This is an episode of the Start with a Win podcast that you do not want to miss. Adam provides listeners with his top 10 quotes – plus one bonus quote – to make you more productive, efficient, and successful in business and life. Integrating these truths into your daily life can be just what you need to activate your goals and set up impactful routines.
During this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam shares is top 10 quotes, plus Mark’s bonus quote:

  1. “People seem to think that they lack motivation when in fact what they lack is clarity.” 
    1. Clarity creates action. Take the time to hone in on your goals, seek counsel, come up with an action plan, and then execute. 
  2. “Burn your boats, not your bridges.” 
    1. Find a way to commit to a new thing without ruining your relationships associated with the old thing. Be able to gracefully walk away from an employer so that the door remains open for you to go back in the future. 
  3. “The largest decision you will make will be to choose between fear and confidence.” 
    1. When you are faced with a big decision, you will likely have to choose between the known (confidence) and the unknown (fear). Either choice is good; just don’t turn around and go backwards. 
  4. “The most important asset you can own in your business is the attention of your customer. If you don’t own it, someone else does.” 
    1. So much of your success depends on your ability to build relationships and provide value to your customers. 
  5. “The quietly successful laugh behind the backs of the critics.” 
    1. Critics are noisy, but happy people know how to be quietly successful. 
  6. “Do common things uncommonly well.” 
    1. The brain recognizes perfection and sloppiness. The way your customers are greeted and taken care of, the appearance of your facility, and the gratitude your employees express to customers could be the key differentiators between you and your competitors. 
  7. “The level of your success will be in direct proportion to the level of discomfort you are willing to tolerate.” 
    1. Learning a new skill is uncomfortable, but you will not earn the benefits without putting in the effort. 
  8. “At the end of the day, your priorities should reflect the time that you spent during the day.” 
    1. Intentionally plan your day based on your goals, and then assess how your actual day compared to your plans. 
  9. “You really only have three things to choose from in life: give up, give in, or give it everything you’ve got.” 
    1. Giving up is not an option. Giving in is not productive. So giving it everything you’ve got is really the only choice. 
  10. “The noise you almost always hear in life and business is the scream of the urgent drowning out the whisper of the important.” 
    1. Important things are those that make the biggest difference. Urgent things get in the way and distract you from the important. Don’t try to make everybody happy by responding to their urgent requests; just stay focused on the important. 
  11. “If you’re committed to it, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.” 
    1. If you want a refresher on this idea, listen to the two previous episodes about commitment. 

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