Top 10 Worst Excuses

If you have been in business for any length of time, you have likely heard or given more than a few excuses for why things aren’t going the way they were supposed to. When a business isn’t as profitable or productive as advertised, those responsible tend to lean on the excuses that Adam and Mark discuss to shirk responsibility. Find out why these excuses are false and how to overcome them on this episode of the Start with a Win podcast.
The topic of this episode of the Start with a Win podcast is the 10 worst excuses that Adam has heard about why people can’t grow their businesses and why these excuses are not true. These excuses really come from a self-limiting mindset which will become a self-fulfilling prophecy if you don’t alter your thinking.

  1. “I’m an introvert.” – When it comes to marketing yourself, it doesn’t matter if you like talking in front of people and getting yourself out there; you have to do it in order to build your brand and establish rapport with your potential clients. If it helps, establish an alter ego that you assume when you need to talk in these settings and then relax, be happy, and talk.
  2. “I don’t have time!” – We all have the same 24 hours in a day, so if you feel that you don’t have time to build your business, you must be making poor time management choices.
  3. “My technology doesn’t work.” – With all of the advances in technology and the continual updates, chances are the issue you are having is human error.
  4. “There are no customers left in my market.” – There are plenty of customers to go around, so you must not be looking hard enough or in the right places. Take responsibility and put in the effort to find them.
  5. “I don’t do social media – I’m too private.” – Social media is one of the easiest ways to reach the most potential customers, so you need to be present. You can have boundaries around your usage, but you at least need to be active on one platform.
  6. “I need more leads.” – It is your responsibility to generate enough business for yourself and to take care of the leads you already have. Increasing your conversion rate is just as good as – if not better than – getting new leads.
  7. “They don’t want my product/service.” – Most of the time when you give this excuse, what the customers really don’t want is you. They are looking for the end result that can come from your product/service, so be genuine, tell your story, build relationships, and show them the result you can provide.
  8. “I can’t do it.” – This really means that you won’t do it. If it is important, you will find a way.
  9. “It’s too hard!” – If it is too hard for you right now, then go get the training needed for you to know how or outsource that task to an expert in the field.
  10. “I’ll get to it.” – Now you are just finding a passive-aggressive way to say “no.” Don’t tell people that you will get to it if you have no intention of doing so.


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