Travel Tips and Hacks With CEO Adam Contos

How does a CEO travel? Find out his tips and tricks that keep him sane and healthy in this episode of Start With A Win.
As you can imagine, Adam is a frequent traveler. On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, he shares with us his travel tips and hacks to make traveling a good experience instead of something you dread.

  • Get to the airport early. You never know how long security will take, and you don’t want to start out your travel day stressed that you are going to miss your flight. BONUS: Take an Uber rather than having to worry about and pay for parking.
  • Travel with a carry-on if at all possible, and pack smart by using packing cubes.
  • Get TSA Pre-check or Global Entry to make the security process as quick and painless as possible. Some airports also have the Clear program that is similar, so look into what will be most convenient for your local airport and go through the process to get approved.
  • Take noise-cancelling headphones with you and make the most of your “me” time by listening to audiobooks or podcasts.
  • Choose an airline to be loyal to and sign up for their frequent flier program. BONUS: Invest in their club membership or buy a one-day pass to gain access to refreshments and free wi-fi as well as an exclusive customer service desk that will rebook your flight for you if you have an issue.
  • Stay healthy by taking Vitamin C supplements and traveling with Clorox wipes to clean any surfaces around your seat or in the waiting area.
By following these tips, your travel days can be enjoyable and effortless!

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