Diving Deep into Real Estate Turmoil: Lawsuits and the Future of the Industry

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:03:20
Speaker 3
So, I mean, the reality is, is somebody has to admit fault

00:00:03:20 - 00:00:05:23
Speaker 3
So you have you have leaders and you have haters.

00:00:05:23 - 00:00:15:09
Speaker 3
listen up, folks. If you're in the real estate space and you want to be here in 36 months, it's time to take some chances

00:00:15:09 - 00:00:22:21
Welcome to start with a win where we unpack franchising, leadership and business growth. Let's go.

00:00:22:21 - 00:00:38:10
Speaker 1
and come to you from Area 15 Ventures and start with a win headquarters. It's Adam Contos Start with a win. This is part two of two where I am being interviewed on the Real Estate Insiders Unfiltered podcast by James Wiggins and Keith Robinson.

00:00:38:12 - 00:00:40:02
Speaker 1
Let's get back into it.

00:00:40:02 - 00:00:47:11
Speaker 1
so you were there when Remax got served with these class action cases. You were deposed, I'm sure, as well.

00:00:47:13 - 00:00:48:08
Speaker 3

00:00:48:10 - 00:01:04:00
Speaker 1
What can you share with everyone about just your I don't know what I mean. You obviously can and can't hear certain stuff. What can you share about the cases, your thoughts on them? Where does this go? Like, what is your whole take on this since you were directly involved So.

00:01:04:02 - 00:01:34:09
Speaker 3
Well, I mean, whether or not, you know, you agree or disagree with the lawsuits, they are there. And, you know, obviously, one of them has already found a verdict. So, you know, now we have to deal with that in retrospect. And I think that makes me take the perspective of why did we end up with that verdict? And ultimately, you know, some people are like, the judge might have missed this or the jury misunderstood that, but, you know, the game's over.

00:01:34:09 - 00:02:02:09
Speaker 3
It's an L there's a big one in the L column there instead of in the W column. And now you've got to figure out, okay, what happens in the next game. And the next game is motions and appeal and things like that. But ultimately it boils down to, you know, I, I think when, when anything like this happens to you, you can't just take you can't take the victim perspective.

00:02:02:09 - 00:02:21:15
Speaker 3
You can't say, this happened to me. Because if we look at it and say, okay, this happened with me, what did I do? What was my part in creating this or, you know, allowing it to proceed to the the way it was? And this is a mirror that I think everybody and the National Association of Realtors needs to hold up.

00:02:21:17 - 00:02:35:18
Speaker 3
Okay. Because ultimately, that's the foundation for this. I'm not attacking an air here. Well, you know, there's two parts, NPR, there's the lobbying part. They've done a fantastic job of doing great things for housing, for the industry, for fair housing, for we have a.

00:02:35:18 - 00:02:39:21
Speaker 1
Great podcast on on that portion of what you're talking about, too. Yes.

00:02:39:22 - 00:02:56:05
Speaker 3
Right. You you name it. And I mean, you could say, wow, okay, high five on that and are and then you have the other part which is the membership base and then I mean, let's call it what it is. I'm not going say anything that anybody doesn't know here. There's been a significant amount of scandal. There's even more today.

00:02:56:07 - 00:03:21:21
Speaker 3
You know, the president abruptly resigned. Who knows why? I'm sure somebody does. You know, obviously, that resignation was abrupt for a reason. But, you know, you've got the the way that realtors are viewed by the public. Okay. And then you also have how does the transaction work? I can't tell you how many times I spent defending the industry to Wall Street analysts.

00:03:21:23 - 00:03:45:03
Speaker 3
And a lot of these people were taking it on face value and saying, why does the industry operate this way? Wouldn't it be better, easier, different, more beneficial to the consumer, whatever, If it operated this other way and you're like, well, it's governed by the NRA now. Like, well, why doesn't DNR change that? Well, there's a board of hundreds of people and there's a bunch of historical data behind this.

00:03:45:05 - 00:04:11:16
Speaker 3
And they go, Well, what if it was wiped clean and it became, you know, blockchain and things like that tomorrow, what would be rebuilt in that manner? So you have to you have to look at, okay, we're an innovators, innovators, society now and is the you know, yes, I think everybody accepts that this legislative aspect is important. You know, the government relations is incredibly important because we have to educate our our lawmakers.

00:04:11:21 - 00:04:22:18
Speaker 3
They don't know what's going on in this industry. They're just listening to the rhetoric or the stories or what have you. We're making assumptions. great, do that. But go tell the public the rest of the story.

00:04:22:22 - 00:04:23:17
Speaker 1

00:04:23:19 - 00:04:43:13
Speaker 3
And I think that's where we've fallen down on the job. One, we have no we've got no barrier to entry in this industry. You know, you can in in some places you can get your real estate license in just, you know, less than a week. And in others, it takes an extensive amount of time and it's a lot of work.

00:04:43:13 - 00:05:02:23
Speaker 3
But why? Why the inconsistency? Why do we have different barriers to entry here and why do we have 4 million houses being sold by one and a half million people? I mean, that number doesn't make sense to me. You know, in an obviously we know the the parietal principle here, the 8020 rule or even the 92 or 95 five rule here.

00:05:03:01 - 00:05:03:07
Speaker 2

00:05:03:07 - 00:05:29:20
Speaker 3
We have a substantial number being sold by the people in that very rare error, that small group, which means the more you go down, the faster you get to mediocrity or to just somebody who's kind of winging it, for crying out loud. So, you know, it's turned into a membership based industry and value and quality based industry, if you ask me.

00:05:29:22 - 00:05:34:18
Speaker 3
So I think we're fighting against that and we've done a poor job of doing that.

00:05:34:20 - 00:05:57:23
Speaker 1
And that's the story that they've somewhat outlined essentially in the case is just how compensation is the rules that are in place, etc.. I mean, Ted, in your comments, not wrong. I mean, the rules are set by the National Association of Realtors, which are set by the membership, because that's who's creating policy. You know, I mean, our industry is and has done and has put itself in this place.

00:05:57:23 - 00:06:13:12
Speaker 1
I personally don't agree with the way this is portrayed, and I understand this probably better than most, but we did up putting ourselves in this position. It is industry rules and policies that have got us to this particular place, whether intended or not.

00:06:13:14 - 00:06:15:08
Speaker 2
Right. So so.

00:06:15:10 - 00:06:31:18
Speaker 3
James, let's take a look at this from a leadership perspective. Okay. What does a leader do when let me ask you this and we were talking you know, in the green room before this, what happens to a football team when they lose? They have a losing season.

00:06:31:19 - 00:06:32:23
Speaker 1
People get replaced, people.

00:06:32:23 - 00:06:34:20
Speaker 2
Get replaced, coaches get fired.

00:06:34:22 - 00:06:51:00
Speaker 3
Coaches get fired. A lot of team members get fired, things like that. Okay. So, I mean, the reality is, is somebody has to admit fault in this, even whether or not, you know, here's the reality that the the jury found a certain way.

00:06:51:02 - 00:06:52:00
Speaker 2

00:06:52:01 - 00:07:20:10
Speaker 3
And you could say this team beat this team in court. I mean, that's just that's the reality of the situation. That's a fact. So why not say, okay, industry, you know, this thing is screwed up? And do we hold up the mirror and take, you know, accept the responsibility for that? I don't think a lot of people are accepting responsibility for the W in the L.

00:07:20:12 - 00:07:44:01
Speaker 3
Okay. I mean, what's the, the first way to move on and do something better is to move past your, you know, deficiencies in the past, find your weaknesses and repair those weaknesses or whatever it might be. But, but ultimately you know that's not my call. I'm not on or in the air and you know, I, I love and respect all these people that are.

00:07:44:03 - 00:07:49:16
Speaker 3
But at the same time, you know, I believe in this little word called accountability.

00:07:49:18 - 00:07:51:06
Speaker 2

00:07:51:07 - 00:08:13:05
Speaker 3
You know, I want to see the industry get better because here's here's a question, James. You know, you have a young child. Would you love for your child to grow up and go, hey, dad, I want to be a realtor when I grow up. And here's why. My hero is a realtor. I mean, I don't hear that happening.

00:08:13:06 - 00:08:14:00
Speaker 2
No, no.

00:08:14:03 - 00:08:30:18
Speaker 1
But as a third generation in the industry, yeah, I do. I think it'd be interesting for her to continue on that. My grandfather and my grandmother and both my parents and like I, I hear you on that. The industry doesn't. I said this the other day when I was chatting with the new CMO at NPR. I said, Nobody.

00:08:30:20 - 00:08:36:03
Speaker 1
And it pissed off a lot of people here, nobody gives a shit about the word realtor. They just don't.

00:08:36:03 - 00:08:36:12
Speaker 3

00:08:36:15 - 00:09:01:16
Speaker 1
Like buyers and sellers just genuinely don't. And I'm not saying that that's not something that we're a partizan organization. But what I shared was I said, I think we need to be rethinking about, instead of advertising the realtor brands so much, why don't we advertise consumer stories? Buyers that couldn't have got their house had that agent not spent 65 hours negotiating a contract and their realtor helped them do that.

00:09:01:20 - 00:09:26:00
Speaker 1
But it's it's the buyer sharing the story. It's not about the agent. It's the buyer that's actually a real live buyer who went through a very crazy circumstance that finally got into a house to build. The only way that most Americans make generational wealth is through owning real estate. Like it to me. It's just we've missed it. We have so missed understanding how to how to truly get in the minds and hearts of the consumers.

00:09:26:00 - 00:09:38:23
Speaker 1
And we not only lost them going on a rant, we not only lost in court, we lost in the in the in the public perception, as you know out of my wife is a you know, is a investigative reporter for CBS. We got.

00:09:38:23 - 00:09:40:10
Speaker 2

00:09:40:12 - 00:09:41:08
Speaker 3

00:09:41:08 - 00:09:54:07
Speaker 1
Right after we had no PR campaign to back it up. We had no PR campaign talking about what we do in every headline since last year's scandals have been just hard on the industry. That works hard.

00:09:54:08 - 00:10:16:18
Speaker 2
But part part of why we lost is the public's perception of what we do as an industry, right? I mean, so like we lost before, during and after, because we haven't anchored into what I think we've all sort of echoed here, which is you can't lose sight of the human beings who buy and sell houses. At the end of the day, that's who we serve.

00:10:16:19 - 00:10:42:16
Speaker 2
And you might have shareholders or be publicly traded or whatever the journey that you're on is, but the companies offices, agents who never lose sight of the fact that who we serve is the human being in the transaction, those companies will be fine regardless of the changes that are going to permeate this industry. And we'll probably have more in the next 24 months than we've had in a long time.

00:10:42:18 - 00:10:54:01
Speaker 2
But the ones who never lose sight of our North Star or, you know, insert your analogy of of choice there, that those are the ones that will win. You're my opinion.

00:10:54:05 - 00:11:13:00
Speaker 1
Well, and obviously Remax settled. They're settled almost settled settled their case. This is in the process of being settled. So you know, we'll see if they look like the hero in all of it then and anywhere as part of that as well. Where do you think we are 36 months from now? But give us your crystal ball of what you think the industry will look like.

00:11:13:04 - 00:11:19:01
Speaker 3
That's why I wanted to have lunch with Elon Musk.

00:11:19:03 - 00:11:21:16
Speaker 1
So what's Adam's view of this?

00:11:21:22 - 00:11:23:16
Speaker 2
He knows. Okay. Yeah.

00:11:23:20 - 00:11:46:21
Speaker 3
What are an Aston or an X? What are whatever it's called. But I think a lot of that is going to let's take, let's say, two sides of the industry, because I think the the sell side in the industry, you know, listing agents and brokerages, I don't necessarily think that is going to change a whole heck of a lot.

00:11:46:23 - 00:12:11:10
Speaker 3
What I think is going to change is the buy side. And I think the commission how the buy side agent justifies their value. You know, I think a great deal of that justification is going to come down to the consumer being better marketed to and understanding the value of the buyer side. Agent James, I know you've done a great deal of work on that and I think you're doing a fantastic job on it.

00:12:11:12 - 00:12:31:04
Speaker 3
But ultimately, what is going to come down to is let's take in this really busy blackboard that we've written all of what, you know, here's the 192 things a real estate agent does and throw it in your face. And, you know, by the way, my cousin is going to buy a house, so I'm going to show it to him, you know, things like that.

00:12:31:04 - 00:12:54:00
Speaker 3
And let's get rid of all of that and rewrite it and say, if we were to position ourselves as a very professional industry in representing purchasers for the sale real estate, what would that look like? And I think a lot of that is going to be rewritten for us here in the near future. I think the DOJ and the injunctive relief within the lawsuits are going to provide a great deal that, you know, we've heard the plaintiffs attorney has described that.

00:12:54:02 - 00:13:13:14
Speaker 3
And, you know, I I've heard it from two different sides, one of which is, you know, if you talk to certain real estate people, they're like, you know, dirty, rotten guy doing these things. And other people have gone, you know, thank God somebody is updating the industry. But, you know, you choose with everyone. I'm not going to pick a side on this.

00:13:13:16 - 00:13:45:00
Speaker 3
I'm just telling the truth of what I see. You know, I'm witnessing here, not judging. But ultimately it comes down to how good in the next 36 months can we do about sharing the value in the industry in order for the consumer to appreciate that person representing them. And then if that if that is really, really good, that person should be able to ask for and receive their due compensation for that based upon that delivery of value.

00:13:45:02 - 00:14:15:02
Speaker 3
So, you know, 36 months, I think that Bayside is going to be reset. I think, you know, like we all hear this word decoupling, I think we're going to have decoupling vertically in this space because realistically, I have yet to hear somebody go, I get the best value out of national, state, local and MLPs in this value stack that I think has just been created over time but never reset with the evolution of society.

00:14:15:04 - 00:14:41:00
Speaker 3
I mean, do you really need all of those different things or, you know, why don't we have one less for crying out loud that creates infrastructure instead of fiefdoms, you know, and stuff like that. And I'm making some MLS people unhappy with that. But the reality is you were invented in 1907, so let's catch up with this and say, how should this be done in 2027?

00:14:41:02 - 00:14:47:01
Speaker 3
Since that's 36 months now instead of 1907? I mean, that's a that's kind of a gap, folks.

00:14:47:03 - 00:14:48:17
Speaker 2
Yeah, a bit of a gap, Yeah. Yeah.

00:14:48:18 - 00:14:58:11
Speaker 3
So, I mean, look at what's happened since then for, you know, we're talking about, you know, putting people on Mars and growing artificial cows so we can feed them and stuff like that. So.

00:14:58:13 - 00:15:00:01
Speaker 2
You know what.

00:15:00:03 - 00:15:03:06
Speaker 3
Shouldn't we update the 1907 rules or whatever it was?

00:15:03:12 - 00:15:21:05
Speaker 1
It's a fair comment. I mean, it's there's I think, what, 400 and something MLS is still across the U.S. and it's you just I've been in this my whole life and I'm just going I, I can't sometimes just go, how are we still there? This little podunk town has their own MLS. Like, look, this stuff's got to change.

00:15:21:05 - 00:15:27:00
Speaker 1
But, you know, to your comment, sometimes people are dragged kicking and screaming into the future, and that seems to be where we're going ahead.

00:15:27:02 - 00:15:40:20
Speaker 2
Let me ask upstream qualifying question on that 36 month, which so are you saying that over the next 36 months you feel like it's going to be an evolution or are you saying over the next three, six months it's going to feel more like a revolution for residential real estate?

00:15:40:22 - 00:16:07:20
Speaker 3
I think it depends on your perspective, Keith. I think if you are willing to change and want to I mean, listen up, folks. If you're in the real estate space and you want to be here in 36 months, it's time to take some chances and get out there and help the evolution of this thing where if you go kicking and screaming like James said, then, yeah, it's going to be a revolution kind.

00:16:07:20 - 00:16:12:21
Speaker 2
Going to feel like a revolution, right? Yeah. Yeah. It's good. That's good perspective. Yeah.

00:16:12:23 - 00:16:28:11
Speaker 1
So we'll wrap up with this. Talk to us about Area 15 Ventures. So you, you, you, you left this CEO in I think it was April of 2022, if I got that right. Now you've got this area is a venture fund, correct?

00:16:28:13 - 00:16:37:20
Speaker 2
Yes. Yeah. Now, is that a play on area 51? Like how did you come up with Area 15? I got questions right out of the gate. Okay.

00:16:37:22 - 00:16:40:02
Speaker 3
Are you a UFO guy case?

00:16:40:04 - 00:16:46:05
Speaker 2
I mean, it could be. Depends how much money you want to put in my next venture. There you go.

00:16:46:06 - 00:17:07:23
Speaker 3
All right, so Area 15. So a couple of things at play here. First of all, Area 51. Yes, it's a play on that because it's something we've always been fascinated with, but weird historically. So in Colorado in that we're located in Colorado, we're in Castle Rock, Colorado, about 30 miles south of Denver. There are hunting areas and they're labeled by numbers.

00:17:08:00 - 00:17:16:00
Speaker 3
This little area right here actually happens to be area 51 in the future. So, you know, little weirdness, small world things.

00:17:16:02 - 00:17:16:22
Speaker 2
And yeah.

00:17:17:00 - 00:17:38:04
Speaker 3
We named it before we knew that my brother came out and hunted turkey out behind our building here one day and he's like, hey, this is area 51. I'm like, No. Terry 15. He goes, No, this is really area 51. So kind of kind of an interesting perspective now. 15 is Dave Lineker's favorite number. So that's how we picked up Area 15 Gotcha.

00:17:38:04 - 00:17:57:05
Speaker 3
And so work both ways. But yeah, well, what we're doing here, James, to answer your question, is we're basically investing in, you know, different types of organizations. We love franchising as you do. And so we've got two food franchise brands. We have Port of Subs, which is a 53 year old sub sandwich company.

00:17:57:05 - 00:17:58:09
Speaker 1
And I know it is a huge.

00:17:58:12 - 00:17:59:01
Speaker 2
Yeah, yeah.

00:17:59:07 - 00:18:00:06
Speaker 3
Yes, we own that.

00:18:00:06 - 00:18:02:02
Speaker 1
I'm actually been to Port of subs before.

00:18:02:02 - 00:18:04:01
Speaker 2
Like what if.

00:18:04:01 - 00:18:06:12
Speaker 3
You live in these other 43 states, you might not have.

00:18:06:13 - 00:18:07:08
Speaker 2

00:18:07:10 - 00:18:25:23
Speaker 3
Before to subs. Yeah but we have three in the Las Vegas airport by the way, so make sure you get to one of those. But we're we're expanding that nationwide now. So we bought that company a year ago and now we're blowing it up with selling territories around the country. We've I mean, we've got a line to sell, though, so it's great.

00:18:25:23 - 00:18:48:16
Speaker 3
Everybody wants to be part of that. And then we also have a startup called Daddy's Chicken Shack, which is a fried chicken sandwich concept, really tasty fried chicken sandwiches. We've sold 13 territories the US in that and they're all being developed right now and we have investments in a whole bunch of other different businesses and assist with other businesses that the Linnegar Fallon family own.

00:18:48:18 - 00:18:57:03
Speaker 3
So like we have Harley Davidson dealerships and other motorcycle companies and what else? Arabian horses, all sorts of other different things.

00:18:57:06 - 00:19:01:06
Speaker 1
All the expensive shit. I know about the horse stuff, man. Jesus.

00:19:01:06 - 00:19:03:18
Speaker 3
Like, wow. yeah, your horse and my aunt, you.

00:19:03:18 - 00:19:08:21
Speaker 1
Know, I signed on to a horse family. That was. No, I wasn't.

00:19:09:02 - 00:19:12:18
Speaker 2
In the funds. The horse, the horses.

00:19:12:18 - 00:19:31:09
Speaker 1
Wow. It's like a boat. There's just they just. It just eats money. Anyways, don't get me started. So that's. That's pretty. That's pretty awesome. So Davis involved in a lot of other stuff and you guys are doing franchising still, which you obviously know better than most. That has to be fun is is part subs in California though right I'm pretty sure I've seen that here before.

00:19:31:11 - 00:19:33:05
Speaker 1
Yeah I've eaten at him before.

00:19:33:05 - 00:19:46:21
Speaker 3
So yeah, we're in California. Yeah. I mean it's founded in Reno. So I mean it's interesting because there's like port of subs for every like 15,000 people in Reno. So we have a lot of market density there.

00:19:46:23 - 00:19:47:09
Speaker 2

00:19:47:11 - 00:19:53:06
Speaker 3
But a lot in Vegas, A lot in Arizona, California, Washington, Idaho.

00:19:53:08 - 00:19:57:04
Speaker 2
There's one in Brentwood, California, shot out Brentwood. Well, there you go over there.

00:19:57:04 - 00:20:07:18
Speaker 1
First, our producer is telling me they don't have cam booths on the menu, so it's hard to track down. I just wanted to make sure that our everybody knows their producers in my ear making fun of me for can do the BYOB.

00:20:07:18 - 00:20:10:20
Speaker 2
Okay. Bring your own. yeah, we have. All right, Adam.

00:20:10:20 - 00:20:14:21
Speaker 3
You could you could kind of do something with the pickles there if you like your vinegar. Okay, you know what?

00:20:14:21 - 00:20:20:16
Speaker 1
Seriously, judge away. Okay. I'm being very abundance mindset by sharing things and being vulnerable.

00:20:20:17 - 00:20:21:05
Speaker 2
And trying to give.

00:20:21:05 - 00:20:22:06
Speaker 3
You pickles, James. I mean.

00:20:22:08 - 00:20:23:13
Speaker 1
I know, I know, I know.

00:20:23:18 - 00:20:25:02
Speaker 2
All right, so let me ask him.

00:20:25:02 - 00:20:27:13
Speaker 1
The closer let me last in the closet.

00:20:27:15 - 00:20:43:18
Speaker 2
And I always ask this, but I'm very excited about your answer because you have lived and breathed in this space for so long, so and thought through the lens of this question. So if you were an agent or a broker, what's the one thing you would today to set your business up for 2024?

00:20:43:19 - 00:21:08:00
Speaker 3
I would say omnipresence. I mean, so many people start hiding when difficult times occur. So you have you have leaders and you have haters. In my opinion, leaders lead. Those are the people that are omnipresent and they're delivering value constantly, even in the storm. And then you have haters and they're waiting for the storm to pass. Now, the second question you should be asking me is how should we be omni present?

00:21:08:02 - 00:21:29:21
Speaker 3
And I've heard it said before on your show you should be on video, but ultimately it should be that you should be on video talking about them and being very kind and delivering value, giving your best stuff away. By the way, agents don't keep your best stuff under your vest. Everybody knows what it is. They just want you to give it to them and then they will come to you and pay you back with that word we heard earlier reciprocity.

00:21:29:23 - 00:21:34:05
Speaker 3
So I would say to be omnipresent as a kind giving leader.

00:21:35:11 - 00:21:56:08
Speaker 1
Great answer. Nice. Great. I cannot even begin to imagine how much that resonates. Keith And I've had these discussions with other leaders in the industry who are like, Just keep your mouth shut. And I'm like, Now want to get out there and talk and just have a conversation and get information out for people. So yeah. Adam, awesome to have you on.

00:21:56:11 - 00:22:06:20
Speaker 1
I can't wait to have you back on. I know, I know. You've got some other things in your pocket that you're working on, so we'll have to have you back on the show to talk about some of that stuff. I know, I know, I know.

00:22:06:22 - 00:22:11:13
Speaker 2
But do you want to did you want to make any breaking announcements right now? Here's the real estate and we've had.

00:22:11:13 - 00:22:12:21
Speaker 1
Enough breaking news today.

00:22:12:21 - 00:22:14:02
Speaker 2
So, yeah.

00:22:14:04 - 00:22:18:15
Speaker 1
Let's leave that out of it. But Adams will be a really fun one when he wants to come out. I need.

00:22:18:15 - 00:22:21:13
Speaker 3
To go read the comments on your social media post today, James since he.

00:22:21:13 - 00:22:25:11
Speaker 2
What. Yeah, it's it's pretty good. That's pretty good.

00:22:25:13 - 00:22:29:14
Speaker 1
I just would really like the industry to like stop with the llama drama for a bit.

00:22:29:16 - 00:22:31:04
Speaker 2
So it's getting.

00:22:31:04 - 00:22:35:11
Speaker 3
Better buddy we're going have a reality show here pretty quick.

00:22:35:13 - 00:22:37:04
Speaker 2
There's a bunch of them. Yeah but none.

00:22:37:04 - 00:22:40:18
Speaker 3
Of them are like an air unplugged or something like that.

00:22:40:20 - 00:22:43:06
Speaker 1
no, no, no, no, no.

00:22:43:08 - 00:22:48:10
Speaker 3
Behind the scenes in the courtroom, whatever. I don't know. Whatever it is.

00:22:48:12 - 00:22:55:22
Speaker 1
Well, should we be for that to be for the next episode? So I am a friend. Thanks for being here. We'll have you back soon. Can't wait to hear about some of the new stuff you're doing.

00:22:55:22 - 00:22:56:17
Speaker 3
So thanks.

00:22:56:19 - 00:22:59:01
Speaker 2
Thanks for the ride, buddy. It's fun.

00:22:59:03 - 00:23:13:05
Speaker 1
It's our job to say out loud what everybody's only thinking to themselves. It's your job to subscribe to this podcast so you never miss an episode.

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