Leadership Insights from an E-Commerce Expert | Robb Green

00:00:00:04 - 00:00:03:22
Speaker 1
The number one thing is know your numbers.

00:00:03:22 - 00:00:05:16
Speaker 1
So many entrepreneurs are stuck

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Speaker 1
need to know yourself and your team's capabilities.

00:00:07:22 - 00:00:12:12
Speaker 1
here are the biggest growth areas in e-commerce, what would you point to,

00:00:12:12 - 00:00:20:00
Welcome to start with a win where we unpack franchising, leadership and business growth. Let's go.

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Speaker 1
and coming to you from Start with a win headquarters at area 15 Ventures it's Adam Contos. We're start with a win today. We have Rob Green, a dedicated, lifelong learner, entrepreneur, consultant and devoted family man with a successful career owning eight brands and hosting the podcast. I'm the one Rob Turns challenges into growth opportunities driven by personal empowerment.

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He guides others to build wealth, nurture relationships and achieve well-being, as well as Rob is going to share some secrets about e-commerce with us today, let's check out Rob Green on Start with a Win.

00:00:56:15 - 00:00:58:03
Speaker 1
Thanks, Adam said at a chat.

00:00:58:03 - 00:01:16:19
Speaker 1
Awesome. Hey, give us a little bit of your background. During the intro, I told everybody, you know, entrepreneur, multibrand owner, I mean, you coach CEOs and entrepreneurs. Tell us a little bit about who is Rob Green on the inside? Who are you about and why are you the person who people seek out?

00:01:16:21 - 00:01:37:16
Speaker 2
Yeah, I think I think I try to balance the three aspects of my life in the three pillars that I focus on all the time, which is the health, the wealth and the relationships. And I find that most of us hard charging entrepreneurs type personalities, we tend to be really good in one, maybe two of those categories, and then the other one or two fall by the wayside.

00:01:37:18 - 00:01:52:14
Speaker 2
So I've really recalibrated over the last five years to focus on all three of them and try to achieve an A in all three categories at all times. I'm not saying I do it, but that's the goal of what I shoot for all the time is just trying to maintain that a status in each of those three categories.

00:01:52:14 - 00:02:15:16
Speaker 1
I love what you're saying about that because ultimately, you know, we always hear people say it's about balance. But you and I both know there's no balance in it. You're you're constantly contributing to all of those different things in order to maintain what people seemingly see from the outside as balance. So how do you continue to focus on that, even though there's distractions and frustrations, things like that?

00:02:15:16 - 00:02:31:20
Speaker 1
What is it internally within you that drives you to say, Hey, wake up? You know, there's that knocking at the door, Wake up. You missed that one today. How do I contribute to that in order to keep my my bucket full in that aspect of my life? How do you focus on those things?

00:02:31:22 - 00:02:52:03
Speaker 2
It's a great question, Adam. I think balance is the wrong way to think about it. So first of all, I think that's the wrong framework, right? Balance implies that I'm giving one thing away to do something else. Right? So I've refocused on integration, right? Right. So I integrate my business with my kids and my wife. I integrate my health with my kids and my wife.

00:02:52:05 - 00:03:08:21
Speaker 2
I integrate everything together. We work out together. My daughters do the cold plunge with me. You know, my wife and I will take a sauna at night before we go to bed. We talk about the businesses. We try to teach them how to make money, how to learn. And they're 15 and 13. My daughters. How What did they want to do when they grow up?

00:03:08:21 - 00:03:27:21
Speaker 2
So it's the same conversations that we all have in isolation or in certain segments of our friendships. I try to fully integrate and what I found is that then I'm able to learn one thing here and bring it over to this part of my life or learn on this part of my life. My kids, my daughters teach me more about them than I teach them these days.

00:03:27:23 - 00:03:42:12
Speaker 2
I don't know anything about Snapchat, and my oldest daughter can't talk to anybody unless it's on Snapchat. So I'm learning what's up to date and what's happening in the especially in the younger generation right now from them. So there's it's a two way street for for both of us, to be honest with you.

00:03:42:12 - 00:04:01:21
Speaker 1
Awesome. So a learning mind. I mean, we keep hearing that from you. It's interesting you talk about that because, I mean, you've owned eight different brands. You're like this multi preneur instead of, you know, we've got these entrepreneurs, people. A lot of times people dabble in something here or there. You know, they're like, I'm an entrepreneur, but they only work for themself, they're solopreneur.

00:04:01:23 - 00:04:23:14
Speaker 1
And it might just be mowing lawns or, you know, who knows what. But the reality is you've tried a lot of different aspects of business and learned a lot of lessons in those, I would assume. Take us through your your business life briefly. What did you start doing and what have you come through in order to get to where you're at today?

00:04:23:16 - 00:04:42:19
Speaker 2
Yeah, it's been I consider it an evolution, right? It is continuous learning. I'm always seeing new opportunities and learning and that's kind of a curse, to be honest with you. But I worked in corporate America for a long time, realized I wasn't a great fit. I consider myself unemployable. I didn't enjoy the bureaucracy or the corporate America. I started Dropshipping first I learned about Dropshipping.

00:04:42:19 - 00:05:03:14
Speaker 2
That concept did that for a few years while I maintain my job. Then I moved into private label. Most people call manufacturing, so I created my own brands. I've been doing that for the last nine years. I've bought a brand, I've sold some of these brands. I still maintain a handful of brands today. I'm actually putting an offer in in a couple hours for another brand.

00:05:03:16 - 00:05:22:01
Speaker 2
So what I've really learned is where can I keep my core competency in my unique abilities? Where can I spend my time and energy on what I'm great at? Leverage other people, the who, not the how to do that, building out my team. And then this is the part I really struggle with that in all fairness, I struggle with focus.

00:05:22:01 - 00:05:39:08
Speaker 2
I've got a billion ideas every day, so we try to stay in one core competency, which is e-commerce, which we're really great at as a team. And so how do we stay in that space? The other thing I've really learned is going from zero, from an idea to a business, let's just call it making $1,000,000 a year in revenue is really, really hard.

00:05:39:10 - 00:05:54:14
Speaker 2
Most of us fail at doing that. I'm looking to now acquire businesses that are already at or above that level. Take my expertise and I'm the rocket booster. The team is the rocket booster to take them to the next level. And that's really where I've evolved in my thinking.

00:05:54:16 - 00:06:12:16
Speaker 1
Let's talk about that for a second. So what do you look for in one of these businesses? You know, obviously, profitability is a big piece or maybe it's not. Maybe it's near profitability, but you have revenue that you can do some internal tweaks with in order to find that profitability. What do you look for specifically in those businesses in this day and age?

00:06:12:16 - 00:06:25:14
Speaker 1
Because there are some people on the market right now that are looking to exit their business. How do you find them? What do you ask them? And, you know, what are you looking for as far as a lever to pull in order to to create a you know, an upside to that.

00:06:25:15 - 00:06:48:02
Speaker 2
Too? Great question, Adam. A number one thing is you need to know yourself and your team's capabilities. So what are we great at? And then we look for companies or brands that are not good at those things. Those are the levers that we have excellent at that they don't have. So we can pull those levers. And then it depends on the opportunity of what their revenue currently is.

00:06:48:02 - 00:07:03:12
Speaker 2
I'm not afraid of a company that doesn't make any profit. First of all, if as long as I have a clear, obvious path to making profit. Right. So it comes down. I'm a finance guy. It comes down to the math. At the end of the day, what are the unit economics? Can I turn this into a better situation?

00:07:03:12 - 00:07:28:17
Speaker 2
So we focus on e-commerce. So the biggest opportunities for us are people that sell on marketplaces like Amazon or Walmart or Shop or their Shopify store, and they're not world class. So we see obvious things that we can go and do immediately. I'm talking within the next week to two weeks to improve either their traffic, which is visibility or their conversion rate, which is the customers that come to their page and have them convert.

00:07:28:17 - 00:07:46:21
Speaker 2
So we look for a low I guess it's a low hanging fruit, but that fits into our our capabilities that we already currently have because that person typically is, you know, 1 to 5 person company. They don't have the expertise across everything. We all know how hard it is to wear 100 different hats. So we look for those opportunities.

00:07:46:21 - 00:07:48:05
Speaker 2
That's what we're trying to look for.

00:07:48:07 - 00:07:54:19
Speaker 1
So do you find that a lot of these people that end up in that situation are doers and not leaders? And that's where they hit their stride.

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Speaker 2

00:07:55:21 - 00:08:22:11
Speaker 1
And I know you're like this, just like me. You're this consummate learner. You are always looking for self-improvement and ways to improve your team. How do you fold that into this in order to help this person achieve more? Because ultimately, as a an M&A shop or, you know, a business growth consultant, our job is to create an environment where people can be as successful as they want to be.

00:08:22:13 - 00:08:41:05
Speaker 1
But they all they figured out that, okay, I want to be more successful, but I can't because of, you know, my limitations or whatever. How do you re-institute that energy and that, you know, your your personal development, your self-development, business development into that in order to help them because you don't want to run the business?

00:08:41:07 - 00:08:41:19
Speaker 2
No, you're.

00:08:41:19 - 00:08:54:18
Speaker 1
Your job is to be the kind of that guidance to help them run the business and find greater results. So how do you go through that path of uncovering where these people can be learning and growing?

00:08:54:20 - 00:09:13:23
Speaker 2
Yeah, I mean, our primary goal is it is to buy people like that out, to buy the business from them. And the reason is most of it, I think limitations are mostly self-limiting beliefs and we all have them in some aspect of our life, right? A lot of people see a billionaire and they can't fathom being a billionaire themselves.

00:09:13:23 - 00:09:33:17
Speaker 2
It's not even in the realm of possibility. You know, I've got I've got a buddy who's a billionaire and he's just like us. He puts his pants on just like we do. Adam is a regular guy, is brilliant, and he's had some great success. But there's sometimes meeting people that don't have that. There's a mystique or a stigma around some of them that people can't see themselves in the situation.

00:09:33:19 - 00:09:53:15
Speaker 2
One thing I do with people a lot to help get an idea of where their mindset is, is I ask, What is your dream budget? If you had a dream budget item to spend every month, what is your dream budget? Just design the life you want. How is cars? Jeff Travel whatever it is that tells me a lot of where people are.

00:09:53:15 - 00:10:09:17
Speaker 2
And the number one answer I've received is $25,000. So as big as people can think, this happens all the time. Adam It blows me away. I give them a few minutes, they think about it and they're like, If I had $25,000 to spend a month, that would be my dream budget.

00:10:09:17 - 00:10:12:06
Speaker 2
And it blows me out of the water every time it happens.

00:10:12:06 - 00:10:30:07
Speaker 2
I've had people say 10,000 or 5000. So they've got these limiting beliefs of what a dream could live their life could be like and they could live. And I think getting past that so number one step is really finding out where these people are and what's blocking them in their mindset. Can they what do they think is possible?

00:10:30:07 - 00:10:40:03
Speaker 2
Right. And then creating an action plan around that. If I can create an action plan around how can we break through some of those beliefs and see what's possible. That's that's the trick, I think, in my opinion.

00:10:40:05 - 00:10:47:16
Speaker 1
Now, you probably also find the roadblocks in their business by doing that, I would assume. Yeah. And what do you typically find are those roadblocks?

00:10:47:18 - 00:11:04:02
Speaker 2
It's interesting. We've seen so many different things. Know, marketing is a big one. Right. So marketing is really, really expensive online now. It's much more than it was over the past year. It's going to continue to get more expensive. I just spoke to a brand owner last week and

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Speaker 2
they said they were spending less and less money on their marketing dollars because it was so expensive, the cost per click.

00:11:12:21 - 00:11:18:10
Speaker 2
And I said, But have you ever looked at the value of that customer over the lifetime relative to what you're spending?

00:11:18:10 - 00:11:34:21
Speaker 2
I never thought of it that way. They never think of it that way. They just see like the first transaction, right? So a lot of times it's little tweaks that make a huge difference. In a business, from no advertising to advertising profitably is an absolute game changer, especially in the online business.

00:11:34:21 - 00:11:35:12
Speaker 1

00:11:35:12 - 00:11:52:20
Speaker 1
Obviously a lot of this is mindset. You know, are you talking about limiting beliefs? So we have challenges and opportunities and most people live in this challenge space of, you know, they wake up in the morning, they're like, my gosh, this is going to overwhelm me today. Or I can already feel the pressure on my heart.

00:11:52:22 - 00:12:10:13
Speaker 1
I know my you know, my neck is tensing up, whatever it might be. How do we take these entrepreneurs from this challenge mindset to this opportunity, opportunity mindset, yet keep them focused instead of running around chasing every squirrel that's out there?

00:12:10:15 - 00:12:30:04
Speaker 2
I think the biggest thing I've noticed in people's lives is when they're around other people that I'm going to say are not special, right? They're smart people, but they've seen success. I've got a small mastermind, bunch of friends of us. We get together and I've seen the growth in everybody else. And you look at this guy and you're like, Wait a minute, how is that guy doing?

00:12:30:04 - 00:12:55:11
Speaker 2
100 million is any different than I am. And I think getting awareness in proximity to people who have had tremendous success opens up the possibilities in most people's minds. So many entrepreneurs are stuck in the solo entrepreneur, the solopreneur by themselves, and I just can't say enough getting old school belly to belly. Adam, get next to somebody, see them, talk to them.

00:12:55:11 - 00:13:04:02
Speaker 2
And you're like, This guy's no. Or This woman is no different than I am. I think that's the number one thing for creating possibilities to getting past those limiting beliefs.

00:13:04:04 - 00:13:20:01
Speaker 1
That's an incredibly powerful statement because, you know, Jim Rohn said where the average of the five people we spend the most time with, so choose wisely. And, you know, if you go into a room of, you know, business operators, if you will, take a look around and go, okay, do I want to be like any or all of these people?

00:13:20:01 - 00:13:21:11
Speaker 1
And if the answer is no.

00:13:21:11 - 00:13:22:19
Speaker 1
Find a different room, right?

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Speaker 2

00:13:23:15 - 00:13:24:06
Speaker 1

00:13:24:06 - 00:13:41:02
Speaker 1
let me let me ask you this. What what are some of those key moments? What's some of the low hanging fruit that you're seeing out of some of these different situations? You know, you talk about marketing. Yeah. I mean, marketing is like saying daytime. I mean, it is so it's out there. They're like, All right, Any daytime?

00:13:41:02 - 00:14:10:10
Speaker 1
Yeah, perfect. You do. But you also need marketing. What can we hone in on that in order to make some quick adjustments? You know, you have a podcast, I have a podcast, YouTube channel, you know, outreach, building, email lists. You know, I've heard, you know, your money's in your list, whatever it might be. What low hanging fruit items are you seeing people attack first coming out of some of these masterminds or if you have a seminar for people, any key takeaways that they're walking with that that they go after quickly?

00:14:10:11 - 00:14:33:23
Speaker 2
The number one thing is know your numbers. I think so many business owners don't know that data. And because it comes back to this, Adam. Most people that start a business have a certain skill, whether you're a bricklayer or a landscaper or ecommerce, right, or marketing guy, you might have one skill, but we all start off wearing a lot of hats and we're not.

00:14:33:23 - 00:14:54:08
Speaker 2
Nobody's great. Nobody's world class at every aspect of owning a business. And what I see most of the time, and maybe because I'm a finance guy, a big gap is the data and understanding your numbers in once you understand the true numbers and the financials of your business, your unit, economics, the old adage, I lose money on every sale, but I'm gonna make it up in volume, right?

00:14:54:10 - 00:15:18:05
Speaker 2
I see this all the time. You're not going to make it up in volume. It doesn't work that way. So the biggest thing I see a lot and again, I live in the online world a lot, but this applies to offline businesses is lifetime value. If you don't know your lifetime value, pay somebody To figure that out. You need to understand how much revenue the average customer brings in, how much profit the average customer brings in over their lifetime.

00:15:18:05 - 00:15:41:06
Speaker 2
With you, that is the most important number because now you can understand how much the cost of acquiring customers. If that number is positive, if you need to ramp up your marketing in your ad spend, because the reality is I have an unlimited budget for profitable activities and most people think of a budget as a cap or a constraint on how they want to market an ad to their business.

00:15:41:08 - 00:16:02:05
Speaker 1
I have an unlimited budget for profitable activities. I like that. I want to write that on the wall. And I mean that when you think about it realistically, folks, take a look at your business and we own multiple franchise brands as well as operate a lot of those businesses ourselves as well. And what it comes down to is, yeah, where are you making money?

00:16:02:05 - 00:16:25:13
Speaker 1
What are your highest margin products and how do you increase people purchasing those? So it's weird to me that we have people that, you know, they see the highest margin product, but they try to sell the easiest to sell product, which a lot of them is a lower margin product. So how do we make that mindset shift? And you know, the customer's going to believe us when we say what we're saying.

00:16:25:13 - 00:16:44:22
Speaker 1
If if we're an expert and we're believable in our space, how do we get that mindset shift where we're believable in talking about selling our highest margin product instead of our lowest margin product? Where how do we change minds here? Is this something that is doable with the entrepreneur, or do you think that they're stuck in a rut?

00:16:45:00 - 00:17:00:06
Speaker 2
I think so many times putting it down on paper and writing out and seeing what these numbers look like. I think every most people are smart enough to say, and I interviewed a buddy of mine who's got an esthetic clinic, his he knew it. His lifetime values $5,000.

00:17:00:06 - 00:17:03:20
Speaker 2
I would I don't know what I would do if I had a lifetime value of $5,000.

00:17:03:20 - 00:17:24:11
Speaker 2
And that that makes me so happy. I have a lifetime value of like, you know, $50 online. Right? So living in the world of $5,000, lifetime value is an believable to me. He had a front desk person who he was paying good money to, but she wasn't great. Tell a customer she that customer couldn't buy a 10,000 or a gift card

00:17:24:11 - 00:17:27:01
Speaker 2
because it was past the opportunity date.

00:17:27:01 - 00:17:52:07
Speaker 2
Right? So it's these little things where you're like, we had this conversation and I said, A Dr. McCoy. I said, Have you thought about I mean, in reality, you could probably pay that person $100,000 if they were an amazing front desk person and make more money than having the person that's costing you business at the front desk. So really understanding your your numbers gives you the freedom to explore other obvious opportunities.

00:17:52:09 - 00:18:13:16
Speaker 2
I have another friend who has a gym and she had the exact same challenge. She didn't understand her numbers. She couldn't make a good decision on how to market or how to get referrals because she didn't really understand the value. And so many of these offline businesses have tremendous value. I don't know about you, but I had the same landscaper for six years.

00:18:13:18 - 00:18:36:08
Speaker 2
I've got the same pool guy for six years. Like we have the same service providers. They just make money weekly every other week from me. There's tremendous value from that. And I think getting to the details of those numbers is step one. And if you're not good at it, that's okay. Go hire somebody, Find someone on Upwork who can help you calculate your lifetime value.

00:18:36:09 - 00:18:39:05
Speaker 2
And that is the starting point I recommend everybody do today.

00:18:39:05 - 00:18:52:04
Speaker 1
So this is fascinating because we all live in this world of minimums. It's weird. We set the bar low and then I going a salesforce and you talk about lifetime value in a Salesforce and things like that.

00:18:52:06 - 00:19:14:04
Speaker 1
All you have to do is change the mindset of your salesforce or of yourself in order to up that lifetime value. You know, realistically, business is not complicated. There are three ways to to increase how much money you how much topline revenue you have coming in, get more customers, sell more things to each customer and charge more for each of the things you sell.

00:19:14:06 - 00:19:25:06
Speaker 1
That's it. That's it. Business operate. So go ahead. It's fascinating to listen to you talk about this because I'm like, well, this is this fundamental, but it's also like right there. But nobody sees it.

00:19:25:08 - 00:19:48:03
Speaker 2
Well, and there's there's a multiplicative effect of what you just said, Adam. Right. You get more customers, you sell them more things and you charge them more money. Those compound, if you're able to do one, you've had success. If you do all three. Now imagine that effect over the lifetime value of that customer. Right. And I think I think a lot of entrepreneurs are afraid to charge more.

00:19:48:05 - 00:20:07:11
Speaker 2
That's also another thing I find a lot, Adam, is people are afraid to charge more because they don't really analyze what the market is, what they're providing, the service level they're giving or the product they're selling. And they just they have this fear around it. You know, we're in the online space, so we test all the time. We test pricing like crazy.

00:20:07:13 - 00:20:34:05
Speaker 2
I find most of my friends that do offline business, their own offline businesses rarely change their price. They keep the same price all the time. Instead of testing or split testing, different pricing. That's probably the lowest hanging fruit is charging more. We know it's harder to get more customers. I think charging more is number one for me. And then number two is selling more items to the same customer and three, getting new customers is probably the hardest out of those three, in my opinion.

00:20:34:07 - 00:20:58:23
Speaker 1
Wow. Okay. All right. I'm going to ask you to pull out your crystal ball here and tell me, you know, in the e-commerce space and the listeners to my show typically are in real estate mortgage, as well as different levels of business leaders and entrepreneurs. But we're we're always curious about, okay, e-commerce. It's to me it's this interesting thing and I'm actually consulting to an e-commerce company right now.

00:20:59:01 - 00:21:09:16
Speaker 1
But if you were to look at your crystal ball and say in 2024 and 2025, here are the biggest growth areas in e-commerce, what would you point to number one?

00:21:09:17 - 00:21:10:08
Speaker 2
Tick tock.

00:21:10:08 - 00:21:38:06
Speaker 2
Tick tock shop is absolutely blowing up, but just went live in the US in September. Our mastermind this week is going to tick Tock is gonna be a big focus of that conversation. They are meeting people where people are spending time and that is the key. This is interruption marketing with highly, highly targeted algorithm. The volume we've seen on some of these brands in days or weeks.

00:21:38:06 - 00:21:47:04
Speaker 2
Adam Not months or years is absolutely insane. The amount of traffic the algorithm can drive is I've never seen anything like

00:21:47:13 - 00:21:55:18
Speaker 1
Amazing. And what type of product on tip on tick tock marketplace are you do you think everything is here or.

00:21:55:19 - 00:22:18:06
Speaker 2
Everything's being sold? Number one is beauty category. That's the number one category I saw. I saw a great video. Their day guy had retractable tie downs for his truck. So, you know, tie downs, you tie something down. But he combined that product with like a retractable tape measure. So it had a handle. You push a button, it cinches up, the tie down.

00:22:18:06 - 00:22:35:23
Speaker 2
Great little one minute video. I wanted to buy it. I don't own a truck and I'm about ready to buy it myself. It was a great little video. It was the monster bowl, so it was a product he could show quickly how it worked and what problem it solved. The guy did $800,000 in a month on tick tock, shops on shops.

00:22:36:01 - 00:23:00:03
Speaker 2
Not anywhere else, just on shops, not on Amazon shop of like just on the native platform. And I don't think it's a it's not a science. It's still quite a bit of art to figure out what's working, what's not working. But the volume that people are able to hit so quickly is unlike any anything I've ever seen because they're leveraging the platform, which is the algorithm which is also the best ever seen.

00:23:00:03 - 00:23:17:15
Speaker 2
Once you start to hone in, it will send it to who deserves to see it, and it's unbelievable. So I think it's a real game changer. I mean, China has been coming for the e-commerce market in the US for a long time with first Xi in and Teemu and now Tick Tock. It's changing the environment dramatically in e-commerce.

00:23:17:16 - 00:23:36:10
Speaker 1
Interesting And how long you know we hear about those micro moments where people have to be able to say, I know what it is and I know if it's for me within, you know what, like 1.8 seconds or 30 seconds or something like that, how much time do you have and how complicated with the products can you get with these e-commerce pieces?

00:23:36:10 - 00:23:52:19
Speaker 1
Because you're not doing like this? You know, used to be these commercials that were like an hour long of somebody selling a, you know, slice or dice or chopper back massage or whatever it might be. We're not talking about lengthy presentations here. We're talking about micro moments. Right.

00:23:52:21 - 00:24:10:15
Speaker 2
From a physical product perspective, I would say yes. But if you were a service provider, there's a guy that I follow on there. I think he started not on shops, which on regular tick dog maybe a year and a half ago, two years ago. And he's a business jet. He sells jets. Okay. And he shared his story on one of the videos and he said, I got on Tik tok.

00:24:10:15 - 00:24:15:19
Speaker 2
I was playing around. A month later, a guy called me and said, Hey, I saw you on Tik tok, I want to buy a $20 million jet.

00:24:15:19 - 00:24:28:15
Speaker 2
And he said, I think I'm going to keep doing this. Tik Tok. I think it's working out okay for me and all he does, he talks about the experience. He's in a suit, he's in his office and he's talking about what are the realities, what are the actual operating costs of owning a jet?

00:24:28:19 - 00:24:46:14
Speaker 2
What are the different, you know, size of jets, just education about business jets. He built credibility and now he has new customers from the platform because the platform is sending it to the people that want to hear it. It's really it's the whole environment is completely change, to be honest with you.

00:24:46:14 - 00:24:49:01
Speaker 1
All right. Now, I guess I need to check out Tick tock, Mark,

00:24:49:01 - 00:25:01:04
Speaker 1
something new and amazing to take a look at for our marketing. And you know, we've got a hodgepodge of different brands. We sell everything from Harley-Davidsons to sandwiches. So, you know, maybe some place we want to start playing.

00:25:01:04 - 00:25:17:10
Speaker 2
All of them can be used on Adam. Adam All them can be used on tick tock, tick tock. I'm not a Harley guy. I've seen some amazing Harleys that are fully tricked out. They look like Batman, you know, Batmobile, Batman's motorcycle. And I'm like, I wish you get best, get a motorcycle, and we'll have keeps telling me I can't get one.

00:25:17:10 - 00:25:38:09
Speaker 2
But I had never thought about buying a motorcycle until I saw the video of a tricked out motorcycle. And I thought, that's really interesting. And so I think that you can step in front. It's now a new world where whether it's service based or product based, you can step in front of the consumer with creativity and not just buying traffic.

00:25:38:13 - 00:25:47:03
Speaker 2
And I think that's where we especially using AI, you can leverage now at scale much more than we've ever been able to do a few years, even a few years ago.

00:25:47:05 - 00:26:10:05
Speaker 1
Amazing. We've we've gone through a lot with you talking about the mindset of the entrepreneur, you know, all the way up to e-commerce and and selling private jets on it, for crying out loud. It's pretty amazing. Rob, you have a podcast called I'm The One. It covers topics like building wealth, maintaining healthy relationships, achieving well-being. You know, Tell us a little bit about your podcast and where can we find it.

00:26:10:07 - 00:26:40:04
Speaker 2
Thanks. I'm the one com, but we're also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and YouTube. But really for me, it's about bringing out the case studies of examples. So I've been interviewing more and more business owners because I feel like a lot of people don't talk about the challenges we all face. And I'm an open book. I'll tell you all the things I've failed at because those are the opportunities for us to learn and I want to dig in and do more case studies with individual entrepreneurs and say, Hey, here's here's your challenges you overcome, here's the challenges you're still facing.

00:26:40:09 - 00:26:55:09
Speaker 2
Maybe together we can help solve some of these problems. And then also a lot of the mindset I believe in a lot of mental models that I currently use, and I love sharing those things that I've learned with other people. And it allows me give me a platform to share everything I'm continuously learning from with everybody else.

00:26:55:11 - 00:27:19:20
Speaker 1
Awesome. Everybody make sure you check out Rob at I'm the one Ecom and the I'm the one podcast. Some great information on there. I'm a listener as well. Rob I have a question I ask all of our amazing guests on the show, and I'm sure you have an incredible answer to this being that super focused, growth minded entrepreneur and human being, how do you start your day with a win?

00:27:19:22 - 00:27:41:06
Speaker 2
That's how I started today. Adam So I pre-heat my sauna. I have a traditional sun at my home. It's Pre-heated Before I wake up, I wake up, I jump in the sauna for 20 minutes and stretch. And that's the easy part. Then I go into the cold plunge and it is so difficult. I hate cold water. I live in Arizona, but it's all about the mindset of me getting in.

00:27:41:06 - 00:28:00:13
Speaker 2
Once I get in, I feel amazing. Once I get out, I feel even better. But just the overcoming that your body, your mind's trying to talk you out of it. But getting that win, that's the hardest thing I'm going to do today is getting into that freezing cold water and sitting in there for 2 to 3 minutes. And every time when I get out, I feel amazing and I have a great perspective for the day.

00:28:00:13 - 00:28:16:23
Speaker 1
Awesome. Rob Green, lifelong learner, entrepreneur, business investor and a great coach and a wonderful human being, for that matter. We appreciate all that you do. Thanks for growing these businesses and these little tips and tricks you shared with us today. And thanks for being on. Start with a win.

00:28:17:01 - 00:28:18:09
Speaker 2
Thanks, Adam. I appreciate it.

Copyright 2023 START WITH A WIN