Quick Win - Turn Your Good Day Into a Great Day

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I ran across a guy the other day

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and I said, “How are you doing?”

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He goes, “I am turning a great day

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into a good day.”

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I'm like, “Whoa, wait a second.

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What do you mean by that?”

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He goes, “I'm just kidding.

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Turn your good day

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into a great day.”

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How do you do that?

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Look for opportunities

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to improve your day

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and pursue those opportunities

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every single day.

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Maybe it starts with a smile

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and kindness

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for the people around you.

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Or maybe it picks up.

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It means picking up the phone

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and calling one of your customers

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and telling them

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you appreciate them.

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Turn a good day into a great day

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and watch the magic happen.

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That's your quick win
for the day.

Copyright 2023 START WITH A WIN