00:00:00:00 - 00:00:15:21
Speaker 1
Watts one of the top skills you as a leader can have. It's constant learning. Constant learning. A great mentor of mine once told me, You have to be a sponge. I said, so to be a leader, I just need to learn a whole bunch of stuff. He goes, No, that's only half of it. So listen to this part.

00:00:15:23 - 00:00:37:08
Speaker 1
What is sponges? Do they soak things up and then they give things back. So as a leader, you're a learner and a giver. A sponge takes things in and gives things out. Go learn something and learn how to teach that and give it a way that will make you a better leader. Leaders learn Learners lead. That's your quick win for the day.

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