Displaying 331 - 360 of 483 in total

Providing Homeownership Resources to Veterans with VAREP

After leaving the military, Son Nguyen realized how few educational resources there were available to veterans wanting to buy homes. He partnered up with Dustin Luce t...

Quick Wins: The Power Struggle

Letting an unhealthy power struggle go on too long will likely lead to the downfall of your business. This power struggle could be internal or external, related to you...

Prioritizing the Process Over the Prize with Apolo Ohno

Do you feel like you need to make a hard pivot in your life, reinventing yourself so you can thrive and not just survive? We pick back up in Adam’s conversation with A...

Seeking Progress Over Perfection with Olympic Champion, Apolo Ohno

If you have ever wanted to hear directly from the mind and heart of a champion about the mental toughness and daily habits it takes to be a high performer, you are in ...

Quick Wins: Master Monotony

What is the key characteristic of top performers? They are good at doing the things that they need to do over and over again consistently. This reliability through mon...

Discussing the Future of Business Growth with Tiffani Bova, Global Growth Evangelist

What is a Global Customer Growth and Innovation Evangelist? Tiffani Bova holds that very title at Salesforce, and she brings truth to this episode of Start With A Win ...

Maximizing Your Time and Ending with a Win

We focus a lot on starting with a win on the podcast. However, there are many benefits to working hard every day to also end with a win. Adam and Mark discuss practice...

Quick Wins: Success Starts with Sucks

If you want to be successful, you are going to have to work for it. Nothing good comes easy and there are no shortcuts to success. You will only get where you want to ...

The Five Gifts of Elite Achievers with Clint Bruce, Founder and President of Trident Response Group

Do you struggle to see yourself as a leader? Are you ready to move up to the next level of leadership, but you aren’t sure how? Do you wish you had more alliterative l...

Six Keys to Effective Leadership with Adam Contos, Part 2

Welcome back for the second half of Adam’s conversation about the six traits of high-performing leaders on the Start With A Win podcast! If you missed the previous epi...

Quick Wins: The Key To Transformation

If you are looking to make a massive change in your business, your life, your health, or your relationships, the key to this transformation is transparency. Being hone...

Six Keys to Effective Leadership with Adam Contos, Part 1

Adam has found that there are six traits of high performing leaders, and he is going to be breaking down these traits over the next couple of episodes of Start With A ...

Agent Safety Month with Carl Carter

September is Real Estate Agent Safety Month, and the guest on this episode of the Start With A Win podcast is one of the biggest advocates for improving agent safety. ...

Quick Wins: Historical Bias

Whether you realize it or not, you could be going through life with historical bias, thinking that it is best to make today’s decisions based on yesterday’s experience...

Finding a Point of Differentiation with Brad McCallum of RE/MAX First in Calgary, Alberta

How do you stand out in a city with over 5,000 real estate agents? For Brad McCallum, the answer lies in the strategic use of video and delivering significant value to...

Investing in Personal Growth Through Mastermind Groups with Aaron Walker, Founder and President of Iron Sharpens Iron

Adam talks with his friend, Aaron Walker, successful entrepreneur and Founder/President of Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind on this episode of the podcast. You will undou...

Quick Wins: Provide Clarity

Do you want to help your customers avoid analysis paralysis? Then provide clear messaging about the value you bring them, the services you offer, the products that wou...

Communicating Empathy in Marketing with RE/MAX Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Abby Lee

RE/MAX Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Abby Lee, joins us on this episode of the Start With A Win podcast to discuss messaging during COVID-19. ...

The Influence of Transparent Leadership with Gary Vaynerchuk

Episode 100 of Start With A Win is a huge milestone that calls for a milestone-caliber guest. Gary Vaynerchuk is an esteemed thought leader, business builder, and mind...

Quick Wins: Fall in Love with a Journey

Are you focusing more on the goal rather than the process to get to that goal? If so, you are missing out on the development and growth that happens during the journey...

Developing Effective Systems and Processes with Chris Ronzio, Founder and CEO of Trainual

Do you feel like your business could be much more efficient if everyone could just be on the same page? Do you wish there was a straightforward way to train people con...

Habits for High Performance and Success with Coach Dana Cavalea

Our guest on this episode of Start with a Win is Coach Dana Cavalea, former strength, conditioning, and performance coach for the New York Yankees. Dana is committed t...

Quick Wins: Stop Comparing

By setting your sights on other people’s results as your goal, you are actually holding yourself back from your own results. Focus on your systems, processes, and mind...

Social Media Insights and Best Practices with RE/MAX’s Social Media Socialites

This episode is a throwback to pre-quarantine times when RE/MAX heavy hitters were able to gather for the R4 convention in Las Vegas. Adam interviewed four of RE/MAX’s...

Getting to Know RE/MAX CEO, Adam Contos

Who is Adam Contos? What are his passions? How did he become the CEO of RE/MAX? What advice does he have for listeners? Find out the answers on this episode of the Sta...

Quick Wins: Climb Big Hills

Do you feel like your day is filled with challenges you have to face with no end in sight? It could be that you need a shift in perspective to realize that you are onl...

Discussing the Impact of Financial Literacy with Ryan Harris

Would you be shocked to learn that 78% of NFL players are bankrupt within two years of retiring? Former Denver Bronco, Ryan Harris, lived the NFL life for ten years. H...

Five Key Principles for a Successful Business

In business and life, the people who survive the longest are not the strongest or the smartest, but those who are most adaptable to change. Adam shares with Start With...

Quick Wins: What Makes a Great Day?

Do you know how to maximize your day and make sure it is great? The key is to combine optimism with optimization. With a positive attitude and a commitment to continua...

Building Trust and Empathy to Enhance Relationships with Pamela Barnum

Why don’t you get a second chance at a first impression? Because your first impression is probably right. You will not want to miss this episode of Start With A Win as...

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